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ICT4D Journal
Central Asia, Tajikistan
Assalomu alaykum to everyone. My name is Suhrob Niyozov and I am researcher and I’m a teacher in School of advance thought “MaSuD”. I’m a founder of online Journal ICT4D in Tajikistan where I started to employ my obtained experience in a using open access and open education resource.
Currently I am a researcher at the Institute of Entrepreneurship & Service of Tadjikistan. My research interest E-government service. For last year in my research work, I find some limitations in finding the required information for young researchers.
There is an acute lack of coordination between educational and government institutions. Starting from 2012 we created informational and educational online journal ICT4D with our partners. This was the first step for creating open educational resource.

At the beginning of the year we started involving young researchers to write their articles in our journal and named them columnists. More than 15 columnists published their first scientific articles. All materials of our journal are licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0.

Besides online interactions this year we have been practicing the offline meetings of experts based on different topics. We have adopted two types of meetings. The first are “MeetsUps” that we have been organized three times this year with involvement more than 80 participants and 10 guest speakers to discuss such topics like access to information, information security, mobile governance, e-governance, ICT in Education, etc. The second are “Code4D” events which are gathering programmers for discussion and exchange of experience and practice in programming of different projects. Open resources are a fundamental component of these courses.

During participation in the conference I would like to learn the culture of open access, open resources and open education resource. In this case, OER could offer me a very useful entry point to foster in our resource, enhance the quality of materials, and develop links with academic centers of excellence beyond this country and region.
After attending OpenCon 2014, the ICT4D team of Tajikistan is planning to conduct a first KickOff event on “Open Data for Development “ in the Dushanbe city. The aim of the event is to present the benefits of open access for socio-economic development to the wide range of people from academia, government, media and civil society.
I hope that involving educational institutions, state authorities and young scientists we can assist in the development of Open Data and Open Access policies and principles in Tajikistan. I can confidently say that with our enthusiasm and initiative we can play a key role in this field.

I would like to discuss with you the experience of successful countries in this field and learn to implement this cases in education and research related activities.

Licensed CC BY 4.0